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Are you looking for a qualified outdoor Instructor, Leader or Coach in Éire (Ireland) or the UK? Look no further and search our list of Mountain Training Association members using the tools below to find the right person for you.

The Mountain Training Association is a membership organisation for walking and mountain leaders, climbing instructors and coaches, and the search facility below is made up of 'full' members of this Association that hold nationally-recognised awards, have been subject to a rigorous training and assessment process and undertake continued personal development to ensure their skills and experience are up to date. These members have chosen to advertise themselves publicly on this search facility to offer their outdoor services to the public.

Whether you need a leader or instructor to enhance your personal skills or lead a group in lowland, hill or mountain terrain during summer or winter, or you are looking for an instructor or coach to improve your climbing skills and ability or run an indoor or outdoor climbing session, then you’ve come to the right place.

Find out more about the Mountain Training Association
Special note: A number of the Mountain Training climbing qualifications were revised and renamed in April 2018. All members that held the previous climbing qualification/s also hold the updated and renamed qualification/s:
  • Climbing Wall Award - renamed to Climbing Wall Instructor
  • Climbing Wall Award Abseil Module - renamed to Climbing Wall Instructor Abseil Module
  • Single Pitch Award - renamed to Rock Climbing Instructor
  • Climbing Wall Leading Award - renamed to Climbing Wall Development Instructor

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