Safeguarding concerns on Mountain Training courses
If you are concerned about anything that occurs on a Mountain Training course you should raise this with the provider. If this is not possible, or if your concern is not resolved you should report it to Mountain Training. If you’re in:
Other actions you can take if your concern relates to a child
If you are concerned about a child (U18) and believe them to be in immediate danger you should report to the police on 999.
Other useful numbers:
Help for Adults concerned about a Child - NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Help for children & young people - Childline 0800 1111
Other actions you can take if your concern relates to an adult
- If possible, try speaking to the person you have concerns about and ask them whether they are they happy with what is happening to them or not.
- If they need further support consult Adult Social Care in the area in which they live (a quick internet search will give you this information).
- If it is an emergency contact the police. Phone 999 if the person is in immediate danger.
Each of Mountain Training’s home nation training organisations has a contract with its providers to deliver training and assessment. The contract states that providers are expected to comply with any policies, procedures and quality standards required.
All providers are required to comply with the requirements in the home nation safeguarding policy that applies to them.