Become a Mountain Training Scotland Provider/Course Director/Tutor

Mountain Training’s aim is to inspire, enable and develop people in walking, climbing and mountaineering through the provision of nationally and internationally recognised skills training and leadership qualifications. To make this a reality, we have developed a range of nationally-recognised mountain leadership, instruction and coaching awards, as well as personal skills training courses. Our qualification and skills courses are run by approved Providers, based throughout the UK and Ireland, who in turn are administered, managed and supported by their national Mountain Training board.

In Scotland this national Mountain Training board is Mountain Training Scotland. Since 1964 Mountain Training Scotland has provided and overseen training and assessment of consistently high quality in the skills required for the safe leadership and instruction of climbing and hillwalking in Scotland. This is primarily through the provision of UK-wide qualification schemes under the Mountain Training* banner.

Mountain Training Scotland (MTS), as one of five National Mountain Training organisations, works closely with the central coordinating body, Mountain Training UK, to develop and manage a portfolio of qualification schemes. This ensures parity in the qualifications syllabi, and consistency of delivery across all the national Mountain Training organisations throughout the UK and Ireland.

*Mountain Training – this is the outward-facing ‘shop front’ of Mountain Training UK and the associated four National Mountain Training Boards. It is a trading name only. It serves to create a “one stop shop” for candidates to interact with via the website and the Candidate Management System – the database that stores all candidate registration and qualification records. Candidates can register on range of qualification and skills training schemes using the same candidate account.

Personal skills schemes

Mountain Training Scotland administers two personal skills schemes:
  • Hill & Mountain Skills
  • Rock Skills

Qualification schemes

Mountain Training Scotland administers 9 qualifications:
  • Lowland Leader
  • Hill and Moorland Leader
  • Expedition Skills Module
  • Mountain Leader
  • Winter Mountain Leader
  • Indoor Climbing Assistant
  • Climbing Wall Instructor (+ Abseil Module)
  • Rock Climbing Instructor
  • Climbing Wall Development Instructor

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