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Skills schemes provider and tutor approval

Are you based in England and wish to deliver nationally recognised, quality assured Mountain Training skills courses?

If so the following information will support you applying for ‘Hill & Mountain Skills’ or ‘Rock Skills’ provider (and tutor) approval

Mountain Training skills schemes

Both the Hill & Mountain Skills and Rock Skills schemes follow the same philosophy offering quality training experiences, open to all, with no assessment element. Although participants attend for a variety of reasons the emphasis is on introducing skills in a progressive manner to ensure the safe enjoyment of the activity.

Application guidance

Skills scheme application pathway

What is a Mountain Training provider?

Providers are approved to deliver Mountain Training skills schemes on behalf of Mountain Training England.

A provider can be an individual or an organisation. The provider account held on Mountain Training’s Candidate Management System (CMS) has an individual ‘owner’. This individual is the primary link between the provider and Mountain Training England. An outline of the ‘Providers Responsibilities’ can be found here

What is a Mountain Training tutor?

Tutors are approved by Mountain Training England to lead specific Mountain Training skills scheme courses on behalf of an approved provider. Simply, this is the person delivering the course to the participants on the day. An outline of the ‘Tutors Responsibilities’ can be found here. Tutors cannot operate independently and must be linked to an approved provider.

Within set ratios tutors can have additional course staff working with them on the course. This will allow providers to deliver courses to the maximum participant number. Staff are expected to be appropriately qualified and experienced (as outlined here) but they do not require formal approval.

Ongoing costs to retain approval

There is an annual provider fee (£125, which includes 1 free tutor) and a fee for each additional approved tutor (£20). Tutors must attend a practical update once every 3 years (£30).

Providers pay a 'course fee' for each participant in attendance. This varies dependent on the scheme (£6 for single day, £10 for 2 day courses).

‘Application submission’

Mountain Training England is open to skills scheme provider applications through the year. To apply applicants must complete the application form and pay the fee (£50). Multiple schemes can be applied for, at an additional cost of £25 per scheme.

In all cases a nominated tutor (for skills scheme) is required for each skill scheme approval. Provider and tutor application is made at the same time. The application fee includes one course tutor. If additional tutors are required, the fee is an additional £25 per individual.

Applications are approved at Board meetings schedualed through the year. 2024 dates;
  • 12th January 2024 submission deadline for the 20th Feb Board meeting
  • 19th April 2024 submission deadline for the 21st May Board meeting
  • 12th September 2024 submission deadline for the 8th October Board meeting
  • 7th November 2024 submission deadline for the 25th January 2025 Board meeting

Application criteria

Mountain Training England is presently developing its delivery model with the specific aim to broaden the participation in, and delivery of, its leadership and skills schemes. Mountain Training England's Strategic Plan outlines our vision and mission. Within this three key mission goals are stated;
  • Increase female leadership.
  • Increase ethnic diversity of participation – through partnerships and support.
  • Develop our research and insight, and educate the workforce to support those with additional needs.
Applications are open for all of our skills schemes to those who meet our minimum requirements and are able to reliably and consistently deliver courses. Applicants who can access under-represented groups when delivering courses are of particular interest to us. As a guideline we would expect providers to run an absolute minimum of two well attended courses each year, for each scheme they are approved to provide.

Provider applications must be well considered, and evidence access to participants. Please understand Mountain Training England is under no obligation to accept new applications and the submission fee is non-refundable.


All successful applicants must read our Safeguarding Policy https://www.mountain-training.org/england/safeguarding and comply with the requirements described. Successful applicants will be contacted to submit a declaration and appropriate evidence as noted below. Please prepare the following ready for submission;
  • Your safeguarding policy or policies
  • Name & contact of your Designated Safeguarding Lead

Tutor requirements

All provider applications require a nominated tutor. The individual must have the following evidenced in their account on Mountain Training’s CMS.


Hold the appropriate Mountain Training qualification (or higher) for at least 12 months;
  • Hill Skills – Hill and Moorland Leader.
  • Mountain Skills - Mountain Leader.
  • Rock Skills Introduction – Rock Climbing Instructor.
  • Rock Skills Intermediate – Rock Climbing Instructor + FUNdamentals of Climbing 1 or L1 Climbing Coach or Foundation Coach training.
  • Rock Skills Learning to lead (sport and trad, combined tutor approval) – Rock Climbing Development Instructor + FUNdamentals of Climbing 1 or L1 Climbing Coach or Foundation Coach training.
Have gained a minimum of 20 quality sessions (5+ hours) sole leadership experience post assessment relevant to the scheme being applied for. This should include a mixture of venues and activities. In the case of ‘Rock Skills Learning to lead’ applicant experience should include 20+ sport and trad teaching leading sessions. Indoor experience will not suffice. Evidence of this experience must be provided through your digital logbook (DLOG), either as individual log entries or an uploaded logbook document.

Be a member of a mountain association: MTA, AMI, BAIML or BMG

Have a genuine enthusiasm for hill walking or climbing (relative to scheme)

The ‘20 sessions…’ requirement should be considered a minimum. Mountain Training England would expect applicants to have significantly more and is under no obligation to accept applicants if there is cause for concern.

  • Extensive experience as a leader or instructor in a variety of locations (relative to scheme)
  • Extensive personal experience mountain walking or climbing in a variety of UK and worldwide locations.
  • Completed Foundation Coach (climbing schemes).
  • Evidence of working on introductory courses or schemes.
  • Be a member of a mountaineering council.
  • Commitment to ongoing Continued Personal Development.

‘Application vetted by Screening Committee’

Once received applications are verified by a Mountain Training administrator before being passed to the Screening Committee. The role of the administrator is to ensure the application is complete and our requirements have been satisfied for both the provider and tutor concerned. This will include ensuring applicants can satisfy our safeguarding requirements.


The role of the Screening Committee is to impartially consider applications for provider and course staff approval and subsequently make recommendations to the Mountain Training England Board. Consideration is given to the full application submitted, aligned to criteria outlined.

Screening process

With the support of the Development Officer the Technical Support Administrator supports initial screening by validating evidence submitted. The original applications are supplied to the committee members.

Screening Committee members are requested to state any potential conflicts of interest with each application received. Where a potential conflict may influence impartiality, the Officer outlines the extent to which individual participate in screening. This will relate to the issue concerned.

Members are requested to comment separately on each application. Comments are collated by the Officer concerned and commonly include their personal recommendation to accept or reject an application. Where opinions differ, the Officer communicates with all to find resolution.

Although screening is primarily based on evidence submitted by applicants of adherence to outlined application criteria, the Screening Committee has the discretion to recommend rejecting applications if there are other less quantifiable causes for concern. The Screening Committee also has the discretion to recommend accepting applications on merit if they can see other significant evidence of competence and experience.

Although the aim is to reach consensus, where this is not possible the majority view is taken. The majority view is then reported to the Board.


In the case of successful applications, probationary terms to acceptance are suggested. Where the Screening Committee recommends rejecting an application, their reasoning is outlined. The Development Officer communicates this to the Mountain Training England Board.

‘Mountain Training England Board approval’

The Board considers the recommendations made by the Screening Committee and formally accepts or rejects applications at the subsequent Board meeting.

Board meetings are held 4 times through the year. 2024 dates;
  • 20th Febuary 2024
  • 21st May 2024
  • 8th October 2024
  • 25th January 2025
Applicants can expect to hear the outcome within 1 week of the meeting date. Probationary conditions are outlined at this time.

Induction attendance

Prior to initial course delivery approved providers and tutors must attend the following;

‘Online introduction to Mountain Training skills scheme delivery’ This is a dedicated skills scheme event delivered 4 times per year as an evening session, 1-2hrs duration. The event is free to attend. 2024 dates are as follows (dates are provisional and may be subject to change);
  • 7pm - 19th March 2024 - https://mt.tahdah.me/event/detail/759204
  • 7pm - 11th June 2024 - https://mt.tahdah.me/event/detail/759215
  • 7pm - 29th October 2024 - https://mt.tahdah.me/event/detail/759216
  • 7pm - 19th December 2024 - https://mt.tahdah.me/event/detail/759218
Approved providers and tutors must view admin related content within online webinars prior to practical induction attendance; https://www.mountain-training.org/england/online-administrative-support-for-providers-and-course-staff---webinars

'Applicant is granted approval'

Applicant granted probationary approval

Provisional approval is initially given to start running courses following ‘Online introduction to Mountain Training skills scheme delivery’ attendance. The probationary period is an opportunity to review performance and ensure new approvals are used actively and appropriately.

Moderation visit

Mountain Training England aims to moderate new providers as soon as possible. Providers may be contacted at any time to arrange a moderation visit.

Applicant granted approval

Probationary approval is reviewed after 12 months to ensure conditions have been satisfied. If we are satisfied with the conduct, performance and delivery, probationary applicants will be given full approval. Please understand Mountain Training England is under no obligation to give full approval if there is any cause for concern.

Supporting charities delivering courses

Mountain Training England is committed to improving the diversity of leadership and participation in our activities by educating our workforce and improving pathways. One of the ways we seek to do this is by supporting voluntary, charitable organisations becoming skills scheme providers, especially those who are able to access presently underrepresented target groups.

Mountain Training England are able to support applicants who satisfy the following criteria. The organisation;
  • Can evidence it is Not For Profit/registered as a charity with gov.uk.
  • Has a business address in England.
  • Does not charge participants for course staff time when delivering courses.
  • Commits to delivering 4 courses (min) per year. It is expected this will be demonstrated in the probationary period.
  • Can satisfy all other application and ongoing QA requirements referenced in the provider agreement - https://www.mountain-training.org/england/provider-agreement and supporting documentation.
Successful applicants will be offered the following financial support;
  • No application fee.
  • Free induction attendance.
  • 50% annual provider fee.
If you feel the organisation is eligible and you wish to apply please consider the information above. Further queries can be directed to mark@mountain-training.org

Further Guidance

The Mountain Training website outlines our work and gives specific detail on the schemes.

Applicants are welcome to view the Provider and course staff area. This may help individuals understand the requirements and processes involved within course provision. Prior to submission it is worth consulting the 'Mountain Training England Strategic Plan' within and viewing Learn Lead Inspire and Our Ethos to get a feel of who we are and what we do.

For informal, verbal guidance regarding applications you may contact the Siabod Cottage office on 01690 720272.

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