Safeguarding Training for Coaches
1/ What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is a term that is typically used in the UK to denote the measures to protect the well-being and human rights of children (under 18 years old) and adults from abuse, harm and neglect. The terms Child Protection, and Child Wellbeing and Protection and Adult Safeguarding are also used.
2/ What is Safeguarding training?
Safeguarding training for sport coaches aims to raise awareness of safeguarding issues, recognise the types of abuse, understand poor practice, and to equip coaches with an understanding of how to respond to, and report concerns, as well as how to access support. Much of the content is generic, but sport specific safeguarding training is also available. Most safeguarding training is for people who work with children under the age of 18. Separate safeguarding training is available that focuses on adult safeguarding, or the safeguarding of adults at risk.
Training in Adult Safeguarding – why is this different?
Adults can be subject to more types and different types of abuse than children. Adults need to be actively involved in the management of any concern. Also, the legislation for the safeguarding of adults is different to that of U18 year olds.
3/ What is the minimum requirement?
Completion of sport related training in safeguarding children.
4/ Who is required to attend safeguarding training?
Safeguarding training is a prerequisite requirement for completing a Foundation Coach or Development Coach assessment. Candidates must present their course provider with evidence of completion of suitable training.
5/ Do I need to attend a workshop, or can I complete training online?
The first time safeguarding training is completed it should include a face-to-face element.
It is recommended that refresher training takes place every three years in order to keep up to date with legislative changes, as well as provide a reminder of the key themes. Refresher training may be undertaken in an online format.
6/ Do I need to attend climbing specific safeguarding training?
No, any sport related safeguarding training is acceptable.
7/ Where do I find details of 'Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport' workshops?
There are many providers of appropriate safeguarding courses, but we would recommend an approved course, accredited by
UK Coaching (formerly Sports Coach UK) as a benchmark. Please visit the UK Coaching website for details of the courses, and to find a course near you.
9/ Where can I find safeguarding training courses in Scotland?
In Scotland the Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport (CWPS) course supersedes the Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) course. This is a two-part course, normally one online, one face-to-face, but currently both online.
(minimum age 16yrs)