Reasonable Adjustments Guidance


To ensure candidates have unimpeded access and equal opportunities to attend Mountain Training leadership courses. Mountain Training aims to ensure its qualifications are accessible to all individuals capable of demonstrating their leadership competence.

Despite the accessibility of Mountain Training qualifications, if a candidate with a particular requirement requires extra assistance, this will be done. In such cases, Mountain Training England will make, or allow its providers to make, reasonable adjustments for candidates with particular requirements to ensure that they can access courses and demonstrate attainment. Special requirements may include;
  • A moderate hearing or visual impairment;
  • A physical disability, such as that resulting in restricted mobility (provided it does not impede performance in the attributes that are the focus of assessment, such as candidates’ ability as a walking leader)
  • Dyslexia.
If a provider believes that a candidate with a special requirement not listed in this document has the potential to make a competent leader but needs a reasonable adjustment to be able to access courses, they should present the case to a Mountain Training England Technical Officer prior to course attendance. Working with the candidate the provider should outline the nature of the special requirement and through discussion with them, and suggest an appropriate adjustment. Mountain Training England will then consider whether the adjustment suggested is reasonable.

General principles underpinning reasonable adjustments

Not invalidating the prescribed syllabus requirements:

While Mountain Training England will allow a range of reasonable adjustments to accommodate candidates’ special requirements, it will not authorise any adjustments which would prevent leaders from functioning effectively on qualifying and will ensure that any adjustments conform to all relevant syllabus requirements. The qualifications offered by Mountain Training are competence-based, and candidates will therefore be assessed on their ability to meet all the syllabus criteria in order to attain the award.

Reflecting candidates assessment needs and usual methods of working:

The reasonable adjustments allowed by Mountain Training England will reflect the current needs of individual candidates and, as far as is possible, their usual methods of working. At the time of booking candidates should be asked to give details of their particular requirements and advised that they may request support to meet their individual needs and that all requests considered justifiable by Mountain Training England will be granted.

Allowable reasonable adjustments at assessment - examples

Suggested adjustments envisaged for special requirements noted above:

Moderate hearing impairment:
  • Have questions by assessors and by those being led/supervised communicated as simply or directly as possible and rephrased whenever necessary
  • Have additional time to complete tasks given
Moderate visual impairment:
  • Have any indoor assessment session conducted in a particularly well-lit area and, if the lighting is not adequate, have the session rescheduled
  • Where possible have the area of the assessment session specially cleared of any objects which are not necessary for the assessment but over which they might inadvertently trip
  • Use alternatively-presented assessment materials, either produced on audiotape or alternatively printed
  • Resend written work in audio format
  • Use a word processor with a Braille keyboard to produce written work
Physical disabilities (including restricted mobility):
  • Have additional time to complete tasks given
  • Have relevant pieces of equipment adapted for use or use their own adapted versions
  • Use an amanuensis in controlled conditions (under the supervision of course staff)
  • Have the written tasks presented to the candidate in an audio format
  • Use an amanuensis in controlled conditions (under the supervision of course staff)
  • Request candidate produces work in audio format

Mountain Training have successfully supported candidates with a range of special requirements through training and assessment courses. Good examples are presented here.

Not giving candidates an unfair advantage

Although Mountain Training England will allow a range of reasonable adjustments for candidates with special requirements, none of these adjustments will give the candidates an unfair advantage over those candidates for whom such adjustments are not being made. This is because the standards themselves will not be changed under any circumstances, and all candidates will be required to complete all the prescribed assessment tasks and to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and competence strictly in accordance with the syllabus. It is acknowledged that reasonable adjustments are generally not appropriate when the candidate’s particular requirement directly affects performance in the actual attributes that are the focus of assessment, such as their leading ability. In these cases no such adjustments will be allowed.

Maintaining the relevance, reliability and comparability of assessment

Mountain Training qualifications are competence-based. All candidates will have to meet all the necessary performance criteria before they can attain the qualification. Mountain Training England, the provider and course staff are required to maintain the relevance, reliability and comparability of the assessment of candidates for whom reasonable adjustments have been made.

Further support

If any further support is required it can be obtained from Mountain Training England. Providers should keep a record of all reasonable adjustments put in place for their candidates. All information should be recorded in ‘Confidential Comments’ on the relevant course report.

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